Nutrition & The Eye \ Nutrition and the Eye :
Date : 5/6/2014 8:10:54 PM -Downloads ( 51 ) :

There has been an increasing interest in the benefits of nutrition and nutritional supplements against eye diseases. When we decided to write a book on the effect of nutrition on the eye, we intended to review the literature and the latest evidence-based report. These include AREDS, CAREDS, The Nurses' Healt Study, etc. This book is divided into two sections. In the first section there is a general overview of nutrients relevant to the eye and eye diseases. The second section deals with how these nutrients can be used to treat a number of eye pathologies. At the end of the book Bibliography has been included for those interested in to have more details. This book will encourage young ophthalmologists and researchers to further study this subject which in our opinion holds a future solution to many eye diseases that conventional therapies failed to treat.

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BookAuthor:  Roberto Pinelli, Ebrahim Elborgy Version : First Edition - Original PDF
Publisher : Jaypee PublishDate :   1 January 2010 ISBN 978-8184488623
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