Optimized for medical necessity and reimbursement understanding, this all-in-one resource focuses on the most important CPT® and HCPCS codes for ophthalmology, plus medicine and ancillary services codes chosen by experts who have taken into consideration utilization, denial risk and complexity.
CPT® Coding Essentials optimizes both CPT® and ICD-10 code selection with helpful CPT®-to-ICD-10-CM crosswalks and detailed explanations of anatomy, physiology and documentation. Other than the AMA CPT® Professional Edition codebook, this is the only book in the market with verbatim CPT®-panel–approved guidelines and parenthetical information specific to ophthalmology.
This is the ideal daily companion featuring useful, definitive specialty-specific coding information beyond what is provided in a full procedural codebook.
Ophthalmology coding and billing knowledge available in a single volume, conveniently superseding the need for multiple resources or years of experience.
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American Medical Association (Author)
Version :
First Edition - Original PDF
Publisher : American Medical Association
PublishDate : 19 Dec. 2019
ISBN 978-1622029075